Kuwaiti or Chinese address

Capture - follow - sort and ship as if you were available

Exactly if it was you who did it your self! Simply buy or agree with any company you want from any location in China. Or even via websites like Alibaba or similar.You perform all the procedures in your usual way, such as negotiations, agreeing prices, or even shipping etc. Upon completion and in the event that you have reached the shipping address, just add the Kuwaiti or Chinese address and send to it.When the goods reach the address and the code given to you. We will inform you of the arrival, shipment, time and type of shipment based on your invoices.Then you have the full option of what to do with your shipment. We provide merchandise inspection – sorting – shipping and many other options, as if you were the one doing the work yourself

Goods Packaging

Packaging and safety by specialists to ensure the safety of shipments of any tampering or cracking during transportation from one place to another. If you have a special request, please contact us

Destination Possibilities

Your shipments do not want to be sent to you and then sent back to customers? We have solutions for direct dispatch from warehouses with precision and customized

Goods Tracking System

Provides tracking of shipments around the clock and occurs automatically. You are constantly updated with your orders directly from the Internet.

Customs Clearance

Customs clearance of shipments is our specialty where we are licensed with the Customs Department and do not use any third party. Save time and money



Turn on your mind. Push yourself forward. When things relate to transportation to and from any country. Your first and last choice ends with us. Don’t say we’re the best. But we say we are better than the best. Our dealings are clear and obvious even before we begin any step. From the beginning and you are aware of all the expenses where they were and what kind even if they were customs. You will not hear this government fee or this fee for such or such. We are giving one comprehensive price.

Make it one of the best experiments you do! You can experiment with us now. We are more than sure that you will simply repeat them.
Call now and ask for help even if you don’t know where to start. The specialists will do the answer so that all things become completely clear.


Heart of business

We always choose our sites carefully. It is confirmed by the sites most frequently used by our customers. Example. Most of our customers in China collect or send their goods internally to Shenzhen, and then become three options available. Either re-sorting and monitoring etc. or direct shipping. or store until other shipments are connected with it to ship together.

Benefits related to the previous method of example. If we impose. Shipment requires KD 20 customs fee for 5% and land shipment 30 kd and etc. You will find an advance bill even before you start dealing with us, clearly explaining all your expenses. You will find no more of this clarity anywhere. Because it’s a reason to profit for most companies. And as we always say. Experience is a good proof.

We wish happiness for all




Transport Options


Days FREE Storage


Years of Experiences